Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers

Events for Kids & Teens

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Moon and Thunder Magazine for Girls

Moon and Thunder is offering a weekly after-school (Tuesdays for now, - unless otherwise noted) for girls ages 9 - 14 to gather and produce the Moon and Thunder Online Magazine. 

Our weekly gathering will take place on Tuesdays from 4:00 - 5:15 pm in Big Blue Marble's Community Room. $5 suggested donation to cover snacks. Parents also must sign in at drop-off, and sign a waiver for their child.

The Moon and Thunder Online Magazine will be produced by girls, for girls. Topics will be decided upon by the tribe, and highlights will relate to wellness, self-care, and the arts. Journalism, writing, editing, poetry, art, photography, and other content will be included in every issue. Art will be photographed and included. Content and discussion will be guided by Kim Soles of the Indigo Nature Center. The girls will also be doing the coding and web design for the journal!

All submissions should be emailed to indigonaturearts@gmail.com. Please write SUBMISSION - Moon and Thunder in the subject line. Content must be approved and will be used if it meets the theme requirements. We aim to take as many submissions as possible, while keeping with Moon and Thunder aesthetics.

Later Event: November 15
Story Time