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Juneteenth Paper Dolls: Commemorating the 150 Year Anniversary of the Abolishment of Slavery

Juneteenth Paper Dolls: Commemorating the 150 Year Anniversary of the Abolishment of Slavery


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On June 19, 1865, known as Juneteenth, American slaves in Texas were informed that they had been emancipated. Juneteenth is a very important event in American history. These two paper dolls, fashioned with late 19th to early 20th century clothes and hair, are a celebration of Juneteenth. The 8 1/2" hand-illustrated dolls come as a set with five dresses each and attached stands. Also, included is a brief description of the Juneteenth celebration with pictures of the June 19, 1865 announcement and President Abraham Lincoln's emancipation proclamation. PLEASE NOTE: The paper dolls and clothes are printed on standard 24 lb paper.

Steven Otfinoski, "The Story of Juneteenth: An Interactive History Adventure" 61tj-oquahL._SX349_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

Steven Otfinoski, "The Story of Juneteenth: An Interactive History Adventure"

Izola Ethel Fedford Collins, "Island of Color: Where Juneteenth Started"

Izola Ethel Fedford Collins, "Island of Color: Where Juneteenth Started"

Ralph Ellison, "Juneteenth" revised edition coming 05/25/21

Ralph Ellison, "Juneteenth" revised edition coming 05/25/21

Floyd Cooper, "Junetheenth for Mazie"

Floyd Cooper, "Junetheenth for Mazie"

from $6.43
Annette Gordon-Reed, "On Juneteenth"

Annette Gordon-Reed, "On Juneteenth"
