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Temple Grandin, Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions

Temple Grandin, Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Patterns, and Abstractions


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Temple Grandin is a professor of animal science at Colorado State University and the author of the New York Times bestsellers Animals in Translation, Animals Make Us Human, The Autistic Brain, and Thinking in Pictures, which became an HBO movie starring Claire Danes. Dr. Grandin has been a pioneer in improving the welfare of farm animals as well as an outspoken advocate for the autism community. She resides in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Review Quotes:
Praise for Visual Thinking

"Ms. Grandin has. . . written an indictment of America for its witting or unwitting dismissal of those hidden gifts. . . . Ms. Grandin crafts a strong depiction of visual thinking, assembling personal history, historical anecdotes, scientific studies and societal trends. At stake is more than manufacturing, but a vivid recognition of the full breadth of human ingenuity."--Wall Street Journal

"All of us could benefit from realizin that we need different kinds of minds to solve society's biggest problems. Hopefully this book will inspire readers to look at the world in different ways so that we might better recognize the many assets each of us brings to the table."--Science

"Drawing on cutting-edge research, the history of science, recent discoveries in creativity and innovation, and her own lived experience, Grandin has created a powerful and provocative testament to the diverse coalition of minds we'll need to face the mounting challenges of the twenty-first century."--Steve Silberman, author ofNeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

"Those who believe that human intelligence rests on language are in for a sophisticated lesson from Temple Grandin, who better than anyone knows all the other ways of grasping the world. An absolute eye-opener."--Frans de Waal, author ofMama's Last HugandDifferent

"Temple Grandin has concocted a delicious dish of provocative ideas and new research, served in clear, logical, fluid prose. What I love most about her work is her seamless fusion of scientific detachment and passionate empathy."--Sylvia Nasar, author ofA Beautiful Mind
"If you want to understand how a self- described 'visual thinker' apprehends, understands, and explains the world, Temple Grandin's fine book is for you."--Howard Gardner, author ofMultiple IntelligencesandFrames of Mind

Praise for Temple Grandin:

"We're lucky to have Temple Grandin."--The New York Times

"Temple Grandin may well think in pictures, but she has mastered the written word."--Los Angeles Times
"An iconic example of someone who puts her strengths, and even her limitations, to good use."
--KQED, San Francisco

Brief Description:
"A quarter of a century after her first book, Thinking in Pictures, forever changed how the world understood autism, Temple Grandin-the "anthropologist from Mars," as Oliver Sacks dubbed her-transforms our understanding of the different ways our brains are wired. Visual thinkers constitute a far greater proportion of the population than previously understood, she reveals, and a more varied one, from the purest "object visualizers" like Grandin herself, with their intuitive knack for engineering and problem-solving, to "visual spatials"-the abstract, mathematical thinkers who excel in pattern recognition and systemic thinking. With her genius for demystifying science, Grandin draws on cutting-edge research to take us inside visual thinking and its intuitive affinities for design, innovation, and problem-solving. She also makes us aware of how a world geared to the highly verbal screens out visual thinkers from an early age. Rather than continuing to waste their singular gifts, driving a collective loss in productivity and competitiveness, Grandin proposes new approaches to educating, parenting, employing, and collaborating with visual thinkers. In a highly competitive world, this important book helps us to see, we need every mind on board"--

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