As Seen in Our Newsletter — Big Blue Marble Bookstore
Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers

As Seen in Our Newsletter

Curated picks from our newsletter!

Menika B. Dirkson. Hope and Struggle in the Policed City: Black Criminalization and Resistance in Philadelphia

Menika B. Dirkson. Hope and Struggle in the Policed City: Black Criminalization and Resistance in Philadelphia

Howard Langer, The Last Dekrepitzer

Howard Langer, The Last Dekrepitzer

Dana Lee Martin, Black Woman Surviving: Passionately Managing My Life

Dana Lee Martin, Black Woman Surviving: Passionately Managing My Life


Heather McGhee, " The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together"

Jennifer Carlson, Policing the Second Amendment

Jennifer Carlson, Policing the Second Amendment


Toni Morrison, "Recitatif: A Story"

Leila Mottley, Nightcrawling, paperback 4/11/23 9780593318935.jpg

Leila Mottley, Nightcrawling, paperback 4/11/23

from $18.36