Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers
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Other Worlds

Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Afrofurturism, Feminist & Queer World-Building - an invitation to step into other worlds has always been at the center of our brick-and-mortar. Our first scifi/fantasy lists were built by WisCon fans, heavy on Butler and Le Guin and the other founding women of the genre. We’ve maintained our commitment to find, read, shelve, and recommend diverse voices. Browse here and find books for middle-grade and up, as the best speculative fiction crosses ages and genres!

Nalo Hopkinson, Brown Girl in the Ring

Nalo Hopkinson, Brown Girl in the Ring


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Jamaica native Hopkinson weaves a compelling story of Afro-Caribbean magic, ancient spirits who rule human lives, and a young woman forced to fend for herself in a 21st-century Toronto that has fallen into economic collapse.

The rich and privileged have fled the city, barricaded it behind roadblocks, and left it to crumble. The inner city has had to rediscover old ways -- farming, barter, herb lore. But now the monied need a harvest of bodies, and so they prey upon the helpless of the streets. With nowhere to turn, a young woman must open herself to ancient truths, eternal powers, and the tragic mystery surrounding her mother and grandmother. She must bargain with gods, and give birth to new legends.


Rebecca Roanhorse, Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky)

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Nghi Vo, The Chosen and the Beautiful

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Neil Gaiman, Anansi Boys

Octavia Butler, Fledgling

Octavia Butler, Fledgling

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Hank Green, The Carls

from $19.44