Neil Gaiman, Anansi Boys — Big Blue Marble Bookstore
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Neil Gaiman, Anansi Boys

Neil Gaiman, Anansi Boys


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From #1 New York Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman, a tale playful, profound, and rife with mayhem and mischief―one of ten classic Gaiman works repackaged with elegant original watercolor art by acclaimed artist Henry Sene Yee

When Fat Charlie's dad named something, it stuck. Like calling Fat Charlie "Fat Charlie." Even now, twenty years later, Charlie Nancy can't shake that name, one of the many embarrassing "gifts" his father bestowed--before he dropped dead on a karaoke stage and ruined Fat Charlie's life. Because Mr. Nancy left Fat Charlie things. Things like the stranger who appears on Charlie's doorstep, who appears to be the brother he never knew. And all of a sudden, life starts getting very interesting for Fat Charlie.

Neil Gaiman journeys deep into myth to brings us a tale playful, profound, and rife with mayhem and mischief--an audacious and inspired story of family, luck, deceit, and an unusual legacy that illuminates the divine in our humanity. Not to mention a lime.

"Awesomely inventive.... When you take the free-fall plunge into a Neil Gaiman book, anything can happen and anything invariably does." --Entertainment Weekly


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