Other Worlds — Big Blue Marble Bookstore
Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers
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Other Worlds

Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Afrofurturism, Feminist & Queer World-Building - an invitation to step into other worlds has always been at the center of our brick-and-mortar. Our first scifi/fantasy lists were built by WisCon fans, heavy on Butler and Le Guin and the other founding women of the genre. We’ve maintained our commitment to find, read, shelve, and recommend diverse voices. Browse here and find books for middle-grade and up, as the best speculative fiction crosses ages and genres!

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Ursula K Le Guin, Earthsea Cycle

from $11.87
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J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

from $15.11
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Phillip Pullman, His Dark Materials trilogy

from $9.71
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Neil Gaiman, Coraline

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Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book

from $11.87