Craig Smith, Wonky Donkey books — Big Blue Marble Bookstore
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Craig Smith, Wonky Donkey books

Craig Smith, Wonky Donkey books

from $8.63

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The books made famous by that video of a Scottish grandmother laughing so hard she couldn’t go on!

Kids will love this cumulative and hysterical read-aloud that features a free downloadable song!

I was walking down the road and I saw...
a donkey,
Hee Haw!
And he only had three legs!
He was a wonky donkey.

Children will be in fits of laughter with this perfect read-aloud tale of an endearing donkey. By the book's final page, readers end up with a spunky hanky-panky cranky stinky-dinky lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey!

Download the free song at

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