Libby Babbott-Klein, Baby Feminists — Big Blue Marble Bookstore
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Libby Babbott-Klein, Baby Feminists

Libby Babbott-Klein, Baby Feminists


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Before Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mae Jemison, Frida Kahlo, and others were change-making feminists, they were . . . babies!

What do Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mae Jemison, Frida Kahlo, Barack and Michelle Obama, Gloria Steinem, Dorothy Pitman Hughes, Billie Jean King, Yoko Ono, and Malala Yousafzai have in common? They're all feminists-- and they were all once babies! This irresistible and timely 7 x 7 board book invites you to lift the flap and discover what your favorite feminist icons might have looked like as babies and toddlers. With an inspiring message that any baby can grow up to make the world a better place for all genders, Baby Feminists makes the perfect gift for baby showers, baby-naming ceremonies, birthdays, holidays, and more.

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