Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers

Shop for Kids

I am a bunny.jpg

Richard Scarry, I Am a Bunny


Nancy Rose, Oakley the Squirrel: The Search for Z


Priscilla Burris, Hello Preschool!

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Dan Saks, Families Can

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Surishtha Sehgal, Festival of Colors

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Michael Rosen, We're Going on a Bear Hunt

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Alexandra Day, Good Dog, Carl

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Crockett Johnson, Harold and the Purple Crayon

from $10.79
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Eric Carle, The Very Hungry Caterpillar's 8 Nights of Chanukah

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Zack Bush, Made for Me

from $14.03
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Libby Babbott-Klein, Baby Feminists

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Maurice Sendak, Alligators All Around: An Alphabet


Ruth Forman, Glow

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Floyd Cooper, Juneteenth for Mazie

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Diana Murray, Unicorn Day

from $9.71
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Karma Wilson, Bear and Friends series

from $8.63
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Megan Madison and Jessica Ralli, Our Skin: A First Conversation about Race

from $10.79
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Andrew Knapp, Let's Find Momo

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Rachel Ignotofsky, Women In Series Board Books
